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    [Araragi Narora] Inner Hollow

    Admin/Soutaichou/Harvester of Sorrow/Seal Master
    Admin/Soutaichou/Harvester of Sorrow/Seal Master

    Warning Level :
    [Araragi Narora] Inner Hollow Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4[Araragi Narora] Inner Hollow Right_bar_bleue

    Male Pisces Pig
    Posts : 6386
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    Join date : 2009-05-30
    Age : 29

    [Araragi Narora] Inner Hollow Empty [Araragi Narora] Inner Hollow

    Post by Narry Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:19 am

    Name: N/A (Refereed to as Hollow Narora)

    The mask is human-like in appearance. A similar shape to Kurosaki Ichigo's mask (bite me, I like the shape XD), however, the edges of the mask seem to have been 'cropped' off. Where the eyeholes on Ichgo's mask are complete, the very edges of Narora's is not, this gives him a slightly easier time seeing to his sides. This is also true for the rest of the mask, save the very top and bottom.

    The mask begins with a black strip that scrawls across the mask from a Diagonal left side (Narora's left), down to the bottom right side, and it is nearly 3 inches thick. From there, the right eye hole has a small stripe running across it as if a scar, and isn't very large (similar appearance to Hatake Kakashi's scar across his own eye, but slightly larger, as the mask is a bit larger than Kakashi's/Narora's face.)

    From here, Narora's eyes themselves turn a signature black color in his scalera, and his irises turn colors according to the release he is in.

    IF Shikai, a beautiful green color, similar to that of his Inner Spirit's Shikai form herself. However, they do not retain the innocence that her own have, and are poised to look fearsome.

    IF Bankai, a dark, Blood red color with cat-like slits for pupils, full of blood lust and power, ready for a fight.



    (I'm basing the ability’s Inheritance to Narora based on the assumption that we can buy upgrades for our stats and whatnot....?)

    (Also, check my old 'Inner Self rules' topic, the announcement. I edited it with a new function for time limits, as well as a small suggestion.)

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