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    How Narora Got BanKai

    Admin/Soutaichou/Harvester of Sorrow/Seal Master
    Admin/Soutaichou/Harvester of Sorrow/Seal Master

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    Male Pisces Pig
    Posts : 6386
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    Join date : 2009-05-30
    Age : 29

    How Narora Got BanKai Empty How Narora Got BanKai

    Post by Narry Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:03 am

    Name: Narora's BanKai
    Rating: M
    Auther: Narora
    Chapter No.: 1
    Characters: Narora U. & Tauyu
    Ganre: Action & Fighting
    Statis: Hegius
    Narora found himself in a field of flames.

    "what th-" he was inturupted by a sword sticking in the ground. then thousands of others fallowed it.

    Narora looked up to see his swords soul, Tauyu.

    Narora was happy to see his souls sword.

    "Tauyu! what do you want?" Narora asked him.

    Tauyu looked down at him. "Narora... its time you got your BanKai..." he said to his master.

    "Really!! YESSSSSSSSS!!" he yelled but that was cut short by Silver Heaven and Ryuubi diding themselfs in his shoulders.

    Narora gasped with pain as he tore them out, then he looked up at his sword's soul.

    "to do this you have to find me in this field of Swords." he said as the Swords in Narora's hands disinigrated.

    Tauyu pulled out the real Zanpakutos and charged. Narora doged and grabed a sword that looked like Ryuubi and swung it at Tauyu's witch broke as it hit. Narora doged the Blade coming at him and reached for another Blade that resembled Silver Heaven and swung it at him but that one broke too.

    "Fuck!" Narora yelled as he doged yet another attack.

    he grabed two blades each looking like Silver Heaven and Ryuubi and swung at him with both. they broke...

    "NOPE!" Tauyu yelled as he swung again at him.

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